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Hindi-English > घटनावश असम्यक् रूप से स्टांपित

घटनावश असम्यक् रूप से स्टांपित in English

pronunciation: [ ghatanavash asamyak rup se stampit ]  sound:  

unduly stamped by accident
घटनावश    accidentally
असम्यक्    undue
रूप    beauty style structure stamp shape semblance
से    through specially herewith past by afar affiliate
स्टांपित    stamped

What is the meaning of घटनावश असम्यक् रूप से स्टांपित in English and how to say ghatanavash asamyak rup se stampit in English? घटनावश असम्यक् रूप से स्टांपित English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.